Dentist appointment this morning. Cavity filled. Great way to wake up! Had a late night at J.Crew last night ... unexpected associate matter... left at 1:40a, stayed up a whilte after. So, a little tired today.
Daniel is at Warcry, a week-long youth conference sponsored by our church's presytery (hundreds of teens), being held at Liberty University.
David is still in Pennsylvania. His grandparents came to see he and Joshua (his cousin) graduate from pre-school on May 31 then took them both along back until our families go up later in June (actually next weekend) for vacation. Sounds like they are doing fine. Lily is loving the one-on-one time and extra personalized attention! She was even helping me do some "Bob the builder" the other day.
Last week, Isaac (another cousin) got to ride a limousine for the reading points he achieved (among the highest in his school)... see the photo.
I'm off today and tomorrow (had to work Sunday and will work Saturday) so its just a trade-off, but have some extra time with Lily and Laura as a result. Maybe we'll do lunch. Right now Laura is at a water colour painting class. I'll need to post a picture of one of her works. Very nice and getting better!!