At work, Don and I just attended one of J. Crew's annual Fall Kick-off meetings intended to get everyone excited about the upcoming peak season. We had a few important people from corporate headquarters in NY come down to Lynchburg to give us all the statistics about our company growth and tell us all what a great job we do stuffing packages in the distribution center and smoothing out customer issues in the call center. Just to make everyone aware of the new styles and create a buzz about the brand, there's always a little fashion show at the point for telling you all this is...Lily was picked to be one of the models this year!
She did a great job, sporting her red corduroy pants and yellow polka-dot wellie boots, tartan ruffled shirt and yellow argyle cashmere cardigan. To add additional cuteness, as if that were really necessary (or possible!), she had a yellow fair isle hat that just made everyone go "Awwwwhh...." when she came out and did her sweet little spin on the stage. No diva fits, temper tantrums or shrinking violet shyness the entire time--she was just cheerful and confident. No, we're not thinking about contacting a modeling agency or doing any beauty pageants any time soon, but we are very proud of her!