Tuesday's are our off day, our family day, so we planned originally to go to the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk. Daniel invited his friend Fawn. When we learned that it would be a very hot 100 degrees and upon advice from some friends, we decided to stay closer by and visit Natural Bridge instead. We started with the zoo. We all enjoyed seeing the animals, but by 12noon, we were ready to get in some air conditioning. After a picnic lunch, we knew the Caverns would be a good place to head because it would be very cool under the earth. We were not disappointed. Then we took the afternoon stroll under Natural Bridge and to the end of the trail with the waterfalls. After a quick jaunt to Buchanan and a stop at Burger King, we headed back to the bridge for the musical drama of Creation. A very long day but great fun ... and great exercise. The impressive majesty of the bridge is a sight to behold. Pictures cannot capture its magnitude ... it proclaims the glory of God just in its grandeur alone.