Monday, July 18, 2005

A Full always

Laura and I led worship yesterday morning at our church, Cornerstone Community. Our set included "Sweeter", "Lord I Lift Your Name On High", "Beautiful One", "Come Holy Spirit Medley", "More Love, More Power", and Chris Tomlin's "Holy Is The Lord". Pastor Willie concluded a 10-wk series on the power of God, concluding with the need to have "great faith". Everytime someone showed up to Jesus with great faith, they got what they were seeking. He never turned anyone away. But, it is fear that will sabotage our great faith - like Peter walking on the water, or the disciples in the boat during the raging storm. A good word to remember and practice. After lunch at Pizza Hut, during the afternoon, Laura and Daniel helped to decorate for VBS. I stayed home with David and Lily where we lost power for about two hours. It returned just as we were beginning to feel like pioneers and have the candles and oil lamps lit - as well as thinking we'd have a night without tv or computer. Then, it came back which made David extrememly happy.