Friday still? No... already Saturday. At least I took today off work so that Laura could attend a women's retreat at Natural Bridge with ladies from our church. Got caught up folding laundry (which should make her happy) before taking a few moments here. Took David and Lily to the last night of Bible School at Tree of Life tonight -- Superheroes theme. They enjoyed themselves. It is our neighbor's home church and she plans to bring her daughter to our VBS next week. Lily turned 21 months old on Wednesday!!! I didn't walk today, but Laura and I have started walking more and trying to eat better. I bet I've walked at least 7 miles this week... which is a huge change. David and Lily enjoyed some library time this afternoon and yesterday when it was raining lightly, they wanted to wear their new raincoats. I haven't posted any pictures yet, but I'm going to try my hand at posting pictures of them now.