Wow... sorry to let time slip away. Lily turned 2 on Friday!!!! On Halloween it will be two years to the day since her heart surgery. God is so good!
Since last time posting, I have been busy with MBA class work, with SuperConference at TRBC, Alumni/Homecoming weekend, family visiting for a week from PA, getting used to working with a new manager at work (some 12 hour days!) and some extensive worship workshop stuff at church.... so time is of essence. Entering last week of MBA class, and lots to do, so I'll get back to it.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Friday actually isn't a "Thursday" for me this week as I arranged to work a M-F shift -- first time in a long while, so I'm looking forward to a weekend. Have lots of cleaning to do to prepare for PA family visit the end of the month. Hey, good to hear from you via the blog. Lily was sick on Wednesday with a fever, but bounced back pretty quickly to her normal self yesterday.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Back to school and all it brings
Daniel started school again on Tuesday. Freshman. 9th grade. That alone is hard to believe. Since Laura starts work at 7a, this means I take Daniel to school, since LCA is now no longer right across the street but in a new building closer to the campus of Liberty University. We were on time every day, but it also meant I averaged 5, maybe 6 hours of sleep. I really felt it by the end of the week. So, with both younger children still at home, and Daniel back in school, my walking suffered as well. I did manage to get to the trail a couple times this week, pushing the double stroller, but did not do the entire 4 miles either of the times. So, lots of adjustments. I got my work for my MBA class submitted in time both weeks. Still finishing text book reading for week 2 and now need to begin research for our group paper. I have a group from Florida and one who is serving in Iraq. The great part about the week was getting Daniel's old room painted and laying a new carpet, moving in the beds. The kids love it. They play together better. They sleep in their own room through the night. As David says, "I'm not afraid." He was practically dancing and leaping for joy Tuesday night when we laid the carpet. Laura and I lead worship in the morning, so I'll close here.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
The First Week
This was the first week that I walked 4 miles every day -- went to the same trail at Peaks View Park (4 times I was able to do this with Laura). This was the first week that I paid so much for gasoline! I haven't had to pay over $3 yet, but that will probably happen later today (just managed to fill up before the price broke that mark). This was my first week of class with LU's distance learning program. Kept me pressing to get my text read and essay answer written, but I did it!! And this week, we cleaned and painted and got the corner area in the basement ready for Daniel to move in, which he pretty much did last night. We call it "Dan's Den". Now we need to finish getting his old room cleaned out and repainted so we can move David and Lily in. We travel to Winchester to meet the PA part of the family on Sunday to bring them back to VA after their 1 1/2 week stay. We really miss them - but they've had great times with aunts, uncles and grandparents making lots of special memories!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
A record walk ... for us
Sunday night Laura and I walked 4 miles at Peaks View Park -- our longest walk together since we started becoming more active. Since David and Lily are in PA still and Daniel spent the day with friends we had some rare alone-couple time, and did dinner and movie. Ate at Subway, then at the cheap theatre saw an interesting social commentary in "Crash". A story that weaves together people from different walks in life and deals with racism. It makes you think about how we treat people and what stereotypes we buy in to. Dad called last night and asked us if we thought David and Lily could stay an extra week since the rest of the family was coming back to VA today. Since they are having such a great time we said certainly. This will give Daniel more chance to try to get his basement room ready and for me to get adjusted to my first week of school with Liberty's distance learning MBA program.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
...and back in the Hill City
We pulled back into our driveway a little after 8pm last night. Laura was in great pain in her back the whole trip and could not get any rest or relief even during the night, so we went to the doctor today. X-ray's show arthritis and inflammation around a disc. We have an MRI scheduled for Monday and until then, she's on pain-killers and anti-inflammatory medicine. She has relief tonight but knows she needs to be resting. David and Lily are now in PA, as they traveled north with Aunt Tina and Uncle Jackie. This is a good test for Lily - the first time away for several days without mom and dad. When I asked her today about going, she said "josh". Somehow she knew her cousins were there as well. All during the trip back from OH, David was asking if we were going to Pennsylvania. He found it hard to understand why we had to go back to Virginia and wait another day before he could make that trip.
Monday, August 22, 2005
In the Queen City

We traveled all day Saturday to reach Ohio, Loveland specifically, where we are staying at our sister in law's house for the weekend. David and I went to a Reds game and saw an incredible fireworks display - a pyromusical it was called. The game was pretty boring and ended with the Reds losing 6-2. Laura had a special night with the family going out to eat at a very special restaurant loved by the family. Sunday morning we took in a service at the Cincinnati Vineyard, then met up with mom who had just returned from a weekend in Columbus with her choral group. Ben, our nephew, received his Eagle Scout rank during an afternoon ceremony at East Fork State Park. We then stayed and enjoyed the lake for a little while. After a little rest and change of clothes, the we all had salad and pizza for supper, came back home tired and ready to crash for the night. A big day is planned later at Kings Island amusement park.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Another Year .... better!
Yes, turned 45 today (17th)! My team surprised me at work with cake, ice cream and balloons. I met Laura for a coffee at Barnes & Noble during my lunch. She is off work this week, which I could get real used to if the budget would allow it. We have walked together a total of 6 miles already this week. Brian and Faith went back to PA on Sunday after our worship set. We did some pretty difficult songs that Pastor Willie had requested. God moved as three words were given. In addition to that fruit, we've received unsolicited feedback about how others have noticed that we're trying to go to the next level as leaders. Pretty cool. We had a nieghborhood meeting last night about the construction coming our way as the city puts in new sewer and storm drainage systems. It will really make our world inconvenient getting in and out of our house (right on the cul-de-sac) when the time comes. If I keep blogging, I'm sure you'll hear about it. Before his aunt and uncle returned home, David got his wish and finally played golf at Tiny Town. We did that Saturday afternoon - it was incredibly hot. I think David's the only one who did not notice - he had a lot of fun. He was asking to play there everytime we'd go past the place. Sunday night Daniel had his friend Caleb spend the night. After Laura and I walked, while they played on the playground, we went out for snowcones to try to conquer the heat. We're cleaning this week and trying to get ready for our trip to OH this weekend.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Of tires and rain...
Last night it stormed so hard that it knocked a tree over just up the street from us. The heavy rains left a pool of water in our basement. I was busy pumping gallons of water out when Laura called because of a flat tire she had on the way to work. I met her in the J.Crew parking lot and helped her get the temporary spare put on so we could drive it to the garage to get it replaced. Turns out there were six screws in the tire. We learned later there was a spot where police were stopping cars - must have been a truck spilled there and she must have driven through prior to their discovery.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Catching Up...

Brother Brian and Sister Faith arrived late Saturday night. In fact, everyone else was asleep after I worked until midnight and came home. Daniel had a great time at camp earning Merit Badges in the morning and playing volleyball in the afternoon - he came back very tanned and with his hair buzzed short except for his long colored patch in the front. Pretty striking, looks better than when he left - parentally speaking. Laura and I walked 2 miles last night on the track at a local school ... this losing weight thing is slow, but we're sticking with it as consistency is the key to progress. It is making a difference - even in our stamina level! David and Lily got to go to their second straight Dakota Saturday afternoon birthday party. The first was our neighbor's last week, and this one was a friend from church. This photo is from our Toys R Us shopping excursion for one of the parties.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
While Daniel's away...
Saw Daniel off to Boy Scout camp in Powhatan on Sunday morning. Played keyboards during worship during church. Afterwards went out to eat at China Royal, then headed to the Dollar Tree and Toys 'R Us to shop for some upcoming birthday parties. After 'krogering' at our local grocery store we headed home ... a very long day. Laura and I settled in to watch a movie together, Miss Congeniality 2, after phone calls from both my dad and her mom ... nice to touch base. I spent today cleaning while Laura worked. Trying to get things in better shape for next week's visit from my brother and sister PA. Oh, can it really be August already???
Friday, July 29, 2005
Shifting the Shift
I've been working adjusted hours this week. The reason, not good. Turns out the birth mother changed her mind, and my manager has taken time off to spend with his wife and adjust to this traumatic turn of events. My heart is breaking for them. We know what it is like to hope for a child, to long for the day of arrival ... they were so excited. I know that God is in control and pray that He fulfills their longing soon, and this was just part of getting them ready somehow. Working a little earlier in the day, with him away, has given me more interaction with the Director - and yes more projects and responsibility, but that's a good thing. Daniel has been very helpful in watching David and Lily while I went in early these past three days. Daniel is now needing to spend tomorrow getting his room clean since I have family coming to visit soon -- and pack for Boy Scout camp which he plans to attend next week.
A Day At Natural Bridge

Tuesday's are our off day, our family day, so we planned originally to go to the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk. Daniel invited his friend Fawn. When we learned that it would be a very hot 100 degrees and upon advice from some friends, we decided to stay closer by and visit Natural Bridge instead. We started with the zoo. We all enjoyed seeing the animals, but by 12noon, we were ready to get in some air conditioning. After a picnic lunch, we knew the Caverns would be a good place to head because it would be very cool under the earth. We were not disappointed. Then we took the afternoon stroll under Natural Bridge and to the end of the trail with the waterfalls. After a quick jaunt to Buchanan and a stop at Burger King, we headed back to the bridge for the musical drama of Creation. A very long day but great fun ... and great exercise. The impressive majesty of the bridge is a sight to behold. Pictures cannot capture its magnitude ... it proclaims the glory of God just in its grandeur alone.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The buzzzzz about the party...
After church yesterday we ate at KFC then shopped for a birthday gift for Joshua at Target. Tina and Jackie threw a party for him at Peaks View Park at 4:30pm. After play, it came time to eat pizza and drink sodas, and the bees found us.... many! They easily found their way into some sodas which were quickly removed from the table. NO ONE got stung, but the kids got pretty frantic. Once the food was gone, so were they pretty much. Joshua loved his gifts - and chose a few to carry around the rest of the day (his Spiderman hat, his bat/ball, and his new drawing pads). We did some walking around the park while the kids played and did not leave until dusk. A quick stop for gas, and a visit to Kroger before we made it home. Today, I spent the morning trying to get things ready for our planned family day tomorrow. Had planned on a 3-4 hour trip to the zoo, but since it will be very hot - 100 - we may not travel as far away. Daniel has invited his friend Fawn to join us.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Surprising my manager...
After sleeping in too long today, Lily and I went to Dairy Queen to purchase an ice cream cake for the surprise baby shower we threw this afternoon for my manager, John. He and his wife are adopting a baby girl, already named Maria, due to be born July 28.... very exciting! We had a great time celebrating with him. My exercise today, just as yesterday, was via the trampoline - able to stay in the shade, and though hot and humid, not near as much so as walking the hot, sunny streets, plus I don't need to push a stroller this way! The scale shows that its starting to work .... just got to keep it up! I've also been in contact with Liberty University (my alma mater) as I'm considering hooking up with their MBA program which is a long-distance learning program. I'm getting pretty excited about it, and when I spoke with John today, I learned that he is in the program and is also excited about us both being part of it!!! Pretty cool!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
A Walk In The Park

Had a family walk in Sandusky Park yesterday. Had a meeting at work and met Laura and the family at VBS. Things went well tonight for Laura, better than last night with the first-night work-throughs. Kids are having a lot of fun there. Had a late dinner, chicken roast I put in the oven during VBS and David and Lily loved it!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Neighborhood Home Makeover

A Full always
Laura and I led worship yesterday morning at our church, Cornerstone Community. Our set included "Sweeter", "Lord I Lift Your Name On High", "Beautiful One", "Come Holy Spirit Medley", "More Love, More Power", and Chris Tomlin's "Holy Is The Lord". Pastor Willie concluded a 10-wk series on the power of God, concluding with the need to have "great faith". Everytime someone showed up to Jesus with great faith, they got what they were seeking. He never turned anyone away. But, it is fear that will sabotage our great faith - like Peter walking on the water, or the disciples in the boat during the raging storm. A good word to remember and practice. After lunch at Pizza Hut, during the afternoon, Laura and Daniel helped to decorate for VBS. I stayed home with David and Lily where we lost power for about two hours. It returned just as we were beginning to feel like pioneers and have the candles and oil lamps lit - as well as thinking we'd have a night without tv or computer. Then, it came back which made David extrememly happy.
Friday, July 15, 2005
They are soooooo cute!

Friday still? No... already Saturday. At least I took today off work so that Laura could attend a women's retreat at Natural Bridge with ladies from our church. Got caught up folding laundry (which should make her happy) before taking a few moments here. Took David and Lily to the last night of Bible School at Tree of Life tonight -- Superheroes theme. They enjoyed themselves. It is our neighbor's home church and she plans to bring her daughter to our VBS next week. Lily turned 21 months old on Wednesday!!! I didn't walk today, but Laura and I have started walking more and trying to eat better. I bet I've walked at least 7 miles this week... which is a huge change. David and Lily enjoyed some library time this afternoon and yesterday when it was raining lightly, they wanted to wear their new raincoats. I haven't posted any pictures yet, but I'm going to try my hand at posting pictures of them now.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Getting started...
This is a brand new venture for me. I have a lot to learn, but I'm officially started...
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